2025 m. vasario 11 d.


The only way out for Lithuanian citizens earning a minimum wage is to sue the government in court in Strasbourg

Paskelbta: 2013-10-16 20:33 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Doctor of  law Stanislovas Tomas wrote to ekspertai.eu, "I can see only one way out -- to take the Lithuanian government to court in Strasbourgh", assessing a systematic violation of the European Social Charter.

By ratifying the Charter in 2001, Lithuania committed itself to a minimum monthly wage (MMW) that would guarantee workers and their families a standard of living so that its size after taxes would represent 60 percent of the average salary after taxes. However, for more than a decade the Lithuanian government has failed to comply with this obligation. In 2010, the European Social Rights Committee ( ECSR ), responsible for the Charter’s interpretation and supervision, also made a statement that Lithuania had been in violation of the Charter.

In response to questions from ekspertai.eu ECSR Executive Deputy Secretary H. Kristensen noted "After admitting violations, the countries must take measures to eliminate them". However, the government increased the MMA only at the beginning of  2013 and it still remained below 60 percent of the average salary after taxes.

"I think that the current government of Algirdas Butkevičius will not cooperate with the ECSR either, because the ECSR cannot send tanks to Vilnius,“ lawyer Stanislovas Tomas concluded, inviting Lithuanian citizens to defend their rights in court in Strasbourg.

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