2024 m. spalio 18 d.


The Parliamentary Law and Justice Committee and the Constitutional Commission has suggested not holding a referendum on the legalization of dual citizenship

Paskelbta: 2013-12-19 13:22 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Head of the Lithuanian Parliament Loreta Graužinienė
Head of the Lithuanian Parliament Loreta Graužinienė

The decision to recommend not holding a referendum on the legality of dual citizenship by the relevant committee and commission were made unanimously. The Committee clarified the decision, explaining that the referendum initiative is premature because there is no consensus on a range of related issues, among them the World Lithuanian Community. Meanwhile, the Constitutional Commission could not even find the right wording for the referendum on amending the constitution on dual citizenship. Its Chairman Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė thinks that the Citizenship Act should be improved and the Constitution should not be changed. Meanwhile Head of the Lithuanian Parliament Loreta Graužinienė announced that she has signed for a referendum on the prohibition of the sale of land to foreigners.

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