Now, as pointed out by Social Security and Labour Minister Algimanta Pabedinskienė, the issue will move to the political level and will be considered with respect to under what principles and with what possible sources of funding this process could be carried out. According to her, there are many options and they will be delivered to the ruling coalition’s political council. The Minister reiterated that her opinion on reimbursement -- to compensate in parts, but for all -- remains unchanged. Calculated on that basis compensation of over one billion litas may be required.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 21:29:35
Nusibodo šaukti klasėje: "tylos !", siekė užgrobti valdžią, o nepavyko ? Tai ji dabar kaip ir Tichanouska - teisėta prezidentė ! ...
IP | 21:20:13
Lietuviai ir ne visai lietuviai nuvyke 2014 m. i UKraina , tai tikrai siule { sosdaite Maidan po vsei Ukraine } . Tai va ten tikrai ivyko ginkluotas perversmas ko pasekoje ten zuvo , ne tik civiliai , bet ir Policijos pareigunai attrodo , kad apie 20. Is viso kaip sake per Maidana zuvo apie 100 zm...