Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius has said, when speaking about the decision by Lithuania's State Control Commission to not lower natural gas prices as much as possible, that he thinks that it is beyond their competence, and that they should consider the fact that winter gas consumption is much higher than in summer or autumn. He also revealed that the company Lietuvos Dujos did not indicate any threats that could lead to a change in gas prices in the near future. A group of parliament members, based on a decision by the parliament as a whole, have decided to apply to the President regarding the evaluation of decisions made by the State Control Commission for Prices and Energy.
Naujausi komentarai
IP 2003:c3:1f3e:fe39:6028:1742:b314:9b68 | 16:06:16
tavo puodynei ne tiek daug ir reikia tau smegenis jau seniai isplove nesvarbu tu kiek mokesi jautiesi laisvas kaip snarglys skrydyje?...
Bet kas dabar bus....
IP | 15:53:32
Siaubas,atsijungėme nuo rusiško tinklo. Siaubas,jau seniai atsijungėme nuo ruskiškų dujų-naftos vamzdžių... Ką dabar Lietuva darys??? Niekada nepamiršiu,kaip rusai "padarė" Lietuvai blokadą 90'taisiais. Kaip kremliniai ir jų šunys Lietuvoje bliovė,skalijo ir verkė...-kas dabar bus..? ...
IP | 15:49:19 - Kaliningradas liko be elektros?...
IP | 15:41:33
Dar vienas irodymas, kad debilai, jie ir Lietuvoje debilai....