The document states that Lithuania is still in a difficult situation concerning the protection of minority rights and growing nationalism and neo-Nazism, which, according to the document, is unsurprising because the government is deliberately falsifying historical facts. The program "Man and the Law” about the January events and their consequences on Baltic Channel One was also mentioned, in addition to defending Algirdas Paleckis and Petras Gražulis who were allegedly prohibited the freedom of expressing their negative views towards sexual minorities in a parade. The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the information from Russia unfair and wrong.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 21:29:35
Nusibodo šaukti klasėje: "tylos !", siekė užgrobti valdžią, o nepavyko ? Tai ji dabar kaip ir Tichanouska - teisėta prezidentė ! ...
IP | 21:20:13
Lietuviai ir ne visai lietuviai nuvyke 2014 m. i UKraina , tai tikrai siule { sosdaite Maidan po vsei Ukraine } . Tai va ten tikrai ivyko ginkluotas perversmas ko pasekoje ten zuvo , ne tik civiliai , bet ir Policijos pareigunai attrodo , kad apie 20. Is viso kaip sake per Maidana zuvo apie 100 zm...