As reported by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European and North American experts gathered at the informal Snow Summit in the Lithuanian town of Trakai discussed the opportunities that a summit of NATO and the EU-US negotiations on a free trade area to be held in September of 2014 will provide. In turn, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linkevičius stressed the need to work more actively with civil society and democratic structures with neighboring countries in the east. They also discussed the need and ways to build trusting relations between the west and Russia and on the existence of obstacles in this path.
Naujausi komentarai
yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:11::222 | 00:13:08
kuo silpnesnis priešininkas/oponentas, tuo aršesnė sisteminių moliūsgų "kova" su juo :))) - geriausiai sekasi "kovoti" su moterimis, pensininkais, mirusiais , ir paminklais ..., - na dar su knygomis ir istorija ......
Pasirodė informacija
IP | 23:46:31
Donaldas Trampas įvedė sankcijas Tarptautiniam
Baudžiamąjam Teismui, kuris išdavė V. Putinui arešto orderį.
yell...NATO go NACHO to jooo
IP 2001:67c:2660:425:3617:ebff:fee4:6b47 | 23:04:37
:) - kokybiškas, selekcinis, "rūšinis" jumoras :) - respektulis tamstai ! - o "nuošliauža" ir "kartoninė durilka" žemaitaitis(sakyčiau makulatūrinė), išvis normaliai užvežė :))))))...