In the first half of this year nine of the country's parties will be considered for a grant from the state. In the second half of the year the funds for the parties will be reallocated based on results of the election to the European Parliament at the end of May. During the first six months 9.5 million LTL will be distributed. The Homeland Union will receive the most at just over two million litas, while the Social Democrats will receive slightly less but still over two million litas. The Lithuanian Labour Party will receive slightly more than one and three quarters of a million litas. Slightly less than nine hundred thousand will go the Order and Justice party. The Liberal Movement, the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania, Lithuanian Peasants Party, the Way of Courage, and the Liberal and Centre Union will round out the group of parties with less.
Naujausi komentarai
yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:11::222 | 00:13:08
kuo silpnesnis priešininkas/oponentas, tuo aršesnė sisteminių moliūsgų "kova" su juo :))) - geriausiai sekasi "kovoti" su moterimis, pensininkais, mirusiais , ir paminklais ..., - na dar su knygomis ir istorija ......
Pasirodė informacija
IP | 23:46:31
Donaldas Trampas įvedė sankcijas Tarptautiniam
Baudžiamąjam Teismui, kuris išdavė V. Putinui arešto orderį.
yell...NATO go NACHO to jooo
IP 2001:67c:2660:425:3617:ebff:fee4:6b47 | 23:04:37
:) - kokybiškas, selekcinis, "rūšinis" jumoras :) - respektulis tamstai ! - o "nuošliauža" ir "kartoninė durilka" žemaitaitis(sakyčiau makulatūrinė), išvis normaliai užvežė :))))))...