The Lithuanian Parliament, after much deliberation has approved the budget for next year, and the country's unions held a rally at the premises of the parliament in which they called for an increase in the minimum monthly salary, the return of the former sick leave pay system, and restoration of pensions and preparation of a pension return system. The rally brought together more than a thousand citizens. Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius said that an increase in the minimum salary is not yet planned. According to him, people need to have a little patience until the economic situation in the country gets better.
Naujausi komentarai
> 3. yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2a00:1eb8:c237:e4e3::7a6d:c302 | 17:43:17
Na, ir kiek ten jūsų? Gali bent apytikriai pasakyti?...
IP | 17:41:05
Siuo metu as Suomijoje. Patikekite, suomiai tokiam uzpakalyje sedi, palyginus kas buvo pries 5-10 metu, kad nenustebsiu, jeigu tokia salis isnyks....
Mikučio vargai...
IP | 17:16:46
Mikučio vargai su tais kre..mlinias. Mikučiai paliko be jokio atsakymo. Nors... jiems dar lieka. Krem...liniai Mikučiai pasilieka sau garbingą teisę loti šakalų balseliais paskui Kremliaus kurantus. Tik ar turi jie ką pasakyti? Matosi,kad nelabai. Taip,kad Mikuti...tu tikrai,kad laisvas,kaip "t...