2024 m. spalio 14 d.


Vilnius municipal government says there are no funds for the salaries of employees responsible for lighting

Paskelbta: 2013-10-21 16:05 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
V. Pauža. Photo from „vilnius.lt“
V. Pauža. Photo from „vilnius.lt“

While employees of the company Vilniaus gatvių apšvietimo tinklai (Eng. Vilnius Street Lighting Network) protest by the Municipal Government building for salaries that are already two months overdue, Virginijus Pauža, the Director of the City Economy and Transport Department, has expressed his regret regarding the situation.

“Currently the municipal government owes the company about 9.3 million Litas. We are really sorry for the situation and are doing everything possible for the debt to be covered; so far we have already transferred 12.4 million Litas for the company's services. However, because the money planned for these needs has been used from the budget, at least for now, we do not have additional funds for this," Virginijus Pauža replied to the news agency Elta. According to the City Economy and Transport Department Director, the financial situation of Vilnius municipal government is really complicated; the debt has supposedly already reached its 1.1 billion Litas limit.

"The city has experienced a loss of 18 million Litas from changes in real estate tax law. In 2013, the part of personal income tax (PIT) that remained in Vilnius reached only 42 per cent, while the collection of this tax in other Lithuanian cities is much higher – in Kaunas and Klaipėda the part of PIT reaches 85 per cent,” Virginijus Pauža stated.

According to Vilnius city municipal government, there are a total of 42 thousand streetlights in Vilnius. Information released on the matter states that the infrastructure has worn out as much as 86 per cent, and the remaining lifetime is just up to three years.

Five international companies presented their proposals during the competition Renovation and Maintenance of Vilnius Street Lighting Network, organized by the Vilnius municipal government.After evaluating the qualifications, three candidates whose main partners are Citelum SA ( France), STRABAG AG ( Austria) and Gemma SpA ( Italy) were invited to participate further. The companies are experienced operators of street lighting in Europe and other countries in the world.

Info by Elta, ekspertai.eu.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


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