A Ministry of the Environment commission will decide this week whether to halt the competition for permission for shale gas exploration and extraction in Lithuania, from which the only company participating – U.S. energy company Chevron – has withdrawn its bid.
According to the President of the Commission, Vice-minister of Environment Daiva Matonienė, the commission will also decide whether to begin a new bidding competition.
Vice-minister Matonienė said that the current competition cannot be extended because of changes in the legal environment.
If a new competition is begun, companies from all over the world who meet the requirements will be able to participate. If the contest continues, Chevron will not be able to participate further. Under the competition, Chevron was supposed to pay a certain amount of money into the state budget by the end of October.
Information from Žinių radijo and ekspertai.eu
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>7 tesiant temą
IP | 16:46:46
Ko gero stambiam transnacionaliniam kapitalui tapo aišku, kad Ukraini išduotų paskolų nepavyks dengti jos turtu. Karas pralaimėtas. Todė reikalingi lūzeriai, vasalai, kurie dar neatsitokėje paaukotų/kompensuotų bankininkams-geradariams savo šalies/tautos turimais resursais....
IP 2001:8003:d85a:c000:71f3:533e:3a01:5d72 | 16:25:24
Takeris Karlsonas kaip visada į šipulius daužo melo propoganda, kuri dešimtmečiais kvailino amerikiečius. Bet šiandieną galime matyti, kad daugelis amerikiečių pabudo (to linkiu ir visiems Lietuvos žmonėms). video anglų kalba:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC1oso2CXnI Tucker Carlson: How Joe...