2025 m. vasario 8 d.


Works by Salvador Dali will be exhibited in Lithuania's port city Klaipeda

Paskelbta: 2014-01-07 12:12 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

The exhibition of Dali's work in Klaipeda, which was supported by the France-based fund SARL Amiencom, is made up of approximately one hundred of his pieces from private collections. The goal of the exhibition is to familiarize the public with the variety of works by one of the most famous twentieth century Spanish artists. The exhibition, entitled Materialization of the Surreal and on display in Lithuania for the first time, will delight those wishing to see their favorite artist's undiscovered creative areas and is an excellent introduction to the art treasures for those who have not yet had a chance to thoroughly investigate them.

The exhibition will be open in the Klaipėda Culture Communication Center from January 23 until February 28 of this year and comprises Dali lithographs, ceramics, sculptures, and medals as the exhibition Materialization of the Surreal.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


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