Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat (TS-LKD) chairman Andrius Kubilius expressed his regret that Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission Zenonas Vaigauskas did not have the courage to make a principled decision on the referendum on the ban of the sale of land to foreigners and instead abstained from the vote, because his vote would have been able to stop the process that Lithuania's Constitutional Court has declared illegal. The parliament and the government of the last term, taking into account the agreement of Lithuania's accession to the European Union and opportunities it provides, during negotiations with the EU Commission achieved the goal that according to EU law the term for sale of agricultural land to EU citizens would be extended. Meanwhile, today's referendum initiative is in serious breach of Lithuania's commitments as a member of the EU, because it sets forth a ban on the sale of land to even citizens of EU member states.
Naujausi komentarai
užvaldyti Gazą
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