2025 m. vasario 8 d.


Deputy Mayor of Kaunas Vasily Popov was found drunk at work, but the Social Democrats are still at the top of the ratings

Paskelbta: 2013-12-18 13:28 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Social Democrat Vasily Popov
Social Democrat Vasily Popov

Social Democrat Vasily Popov blew almost 3 per mil on a breathalyzer test. The Kaunas branch of the party is going to investigate the circumstances of the incident. It may be that Mr. Popov suffers from the disease of alcoholism, but he may avoid more serious consequences for his actions except for the loss of one day's wages, because only the city council can remove him from his post. Against this background, as evidenced by survey data conducted by the company Baltic Surveys at the behest of the news agency ELTA, the Homeland Union party's rating rose to 12 percent, but the Social Democrats remained in the lead with 28 percent.

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