2025 m. vasario 7 d.


Incumbent President Dalia Grybauskaite will run for another term

Paskelbta: 2014-02-03 12:37 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
President Dalia Grybauskaite
President Dalia Grybauskaite

Today, the country's current leader Dalia Grybauskaite released ​​a statement communicating her intention to participate in the upcoming presidential election. The document said that during these years, Lithuania 's economy has recovered, the financial system was strengthened, the people have become respected in the international community and the country has established necessary military security, and the people started believing in themselves more too. In short, it stated that after many trials the country again is beginning to have success. The statement went on to say that Lithuania has all the possibilities for faster and wider movement toward economic prosperity, having ensured strong European support, having begun innovative and competitive businesses, having been freed from the web of corruption, and having moved quickly towards energy independence. However, it concluded, since new forms of oligarchic formations are splitting and sharing and are pushing away everybody’s hopes for a better life, the President wants to and feels obligated to help Lithuania become a country of honest people, and so she is choosing to work for the people and she is going to run in the coming elections as an independent candidate for the President of Lithuania.

It should be noted that critics claim the president hid parts of her biography and even lied about some details during the last presidential election.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
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