Health Minister Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis presented a plethora of charts from the World Health Organization ( WHO) Regional Office for Europe report, illustrating in the context of the European Union extremely poor data on Lithuanian mortality , suicide rate, emigration, social inequality, and other factors:
The average life expectancy in Lithuania is one of the shortest in the EU. Social inequality in Lithuania is the highest in the EU. Child poverty and mortality is also one of the highest in the EU. The suicide rate is the highest in the EU. Mortality rate in the country is one of the highest in the EU. And according to net migration the country is the absolute record holder in the EU .
But not everything is so bad. National broadcasting entity Lithuanian Radio and Television's annual review of political events presented a much brighter picture - the situation is getting better, the mood of the people is better than last year, and there is a feeling of stability and confidence, so there is reason for optimism.
Naujausi komentarai
yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:11::222 | 00:13:08
kuo silpnesnis priešininkas/oponentas, tuo aršesnė sisteminių moliūsgų "kova" su juo :))) - geriausiai sekasi "kovoti" su moterimis, pensininkais, mirusiais , ir paminklais ..., - na dar su knygomis ir istorija ......
Pasirodė informacija
IP | 23:46:31
Donaldas Trampas įvedė sankcijas Tarptautiniam
Baudžiamąjam Teismui, kuris išdavė V. Putinui arešto orderį.
yell...NATO go NACHO to jooo
IP 2001:67c:2660:425:3617:ebff:fee4:6b47 | 23:04:37
:) - kokybiškas, selekcinis, "rūšinis" jumoras :) - respektulis tamstai ! - o "nuošliauža" ir "kartoninė durilka" žemaitaitis(sakyčiau makulatūrinė), išvis normaliai užvežė :))))))...