Of the members of the Central Electoral Commission, eight voted for the referendum on the ban of the sale of Lithuanian land to foreigners, while four voted against it and another four abstained. If there is not a clear majority either way in CEC votes, the vote of the chair decides the matter. Since Chairman Vaigauskas abstained, the proposal to stop the referendum was not approved. Julius Panka, one of the organizers of the referendum, said after the meeting that this battle is won, and it is a step towards final victory. He asserted that this was a victory for democracy.
Blinkevičiūtė, Skvernelis ir Žemaitaitis tvirtai įsipareigojo Ukrainos pergalei ir atstatymui
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IP | 17:43:26
Kad žemataitis visiškas glušius niekam ne paslaptis. Jis buvo "priverstas"(per durnumą) pasinaudoti antisemitizmo truputėli praskiestu antirusiškumu kortą, kad patraukti rinkėjų dėmesį. Tuo budu tapo "boksininko" kriauše, kuria dabar daužys visi kas netingės. Jokios naudos rinkė...