Following the publication of a statement revealing her intention to run in the presidential election for a second term President Dalia Grybauskaite answered concerning details of her biography which have been an issue to some of the country's population. On her Facebook profile the president answered questions about collaboration with Mykolas Burokevičius's communists and working at the Vilnius Higher Party School.
Presidential Spokesperson Daiva Ulbinaitė confirmed that President Grybauskaite really decided to answer the questions raised by the public on the social networking profile. Ms. Ulbinaite stated that having announced her candidacy for a second term, the president received much support, but a lot of questions arose too. People voted for Ms. Grybauskaitė in the past, but now they have questions. Therefore, the President has decided to respond on her Facebook account and she did it herself.
Naujausi komentarai
Andriejus A
IP | 11:17:54
Naujas šeimininkas pasikvietė visus tris ištikimiausius šuniukus....
IP | 10:33:43
Man pasakykite, kuris laisvas pilietis prisiekęs savo Šaliai, bučius svetimos valstybės vėliavą - jei neparsidavęs....