The Prime Minister noted his optimism about life and the government's economic policies during a press conference on the occasion of the 16th government's completion of their first year of work. Mr. Butkevičius called the approved 2014 budget the economic future of the country and a basis for bringing in the euro. As an example of the important work of his office the Prime Minister also pointed to the strategic Liquid Natural Gas terminal project going according to plan, but could not tell when negotiations with Gazprom would end over lower gas prices in Lithuania. Instead, he promised that in 2014 pensions that were reduced or not payed during the crisis in 2008 would be restored.
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USAID propaganda Lietuvoje
IP | 13:16:24
Trumpas įšaldo milijonus JAVID užsienio žiniasklaidai skirtų lėšų. Amerikos mokesčių mokėtojai nebesubsidijuoja užsienio žiniasklaidai, kai ją finansavo Jungtinių Valstijų tarptautinės plėtros agentūra (USAID), o tai paskatino kairiuosius susirūpinimą dėl galimo poveikio pasaulinei žurnalistikai ir ...
Tiesiog įdomu...
IP | 13:06:04
Ar atsigaus dabar Trumpas nuo tokio Žalimo smūgio?......