2025 m. vasario 9 d.


Nobody has found the missing member of the Lithuanian parliament, but she is doing fine

Paskelbta: 2013-11-13 21:51 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania will consider for the first time since its inception in 1990 the question of the removal of one of its members for non-attendance at meetings. Missing member of the parliament Neringa Venckienė has been gone for half a year and there is no official information on her current whereabouts. And though some other members of the parliament and police officers have claimed to have knowledge of her location and that she has asked the United States for political asylum, no Lithuanian officials can confirm where she is. In fact, the Prosecutor General of Lithuania Darius Valys has said that he can not serve her with a summons to return to Lithuania to be questioned, because no one can find her, despite his claims that U.S. law enforcement authorities are working closely with Lithuanian law enforcement on the issue. And in spite of all of this, the leading Lithuanian newspapers have published reports that Ms. Venckienė is really in the United States and that she and her son are doing very well.

Ms. Venckienė's sudden disappearance is especially suspicious considering the succession of events beginning with the murder of both a judge and the sister of the mother of her brother's child, in which the brother was the primary suspect, followed by his own disappearance and death under mysterious circumstances, and Ms. Venckienė's subsequent rise to political prominence after she publicly called into question the official explanation of the deaths.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


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