President of the Linava Association Algimantas Kondrusevičius said that the decision to limit the amount of imported fuel from Russia and Belarus will have a significant impact on legitimate business, and that while such a proposal might affect the flow of cargo, it will not provide more money to the national budget. According to him, such plans are being considered without the leaders of Linava, the International Road Transport Union and carrier associations from Poland, Estonia and Latvia. The Estonian Carrier Association president said that a decade ago their country introduced a similar restriction that did not bring the expected results, and the president of the Association of Polish carriers said that if Lithuania introduces such a measure carriers will simply bypass Lithuania.
Naujausi komentarai
NATO vienybė?!
IP | 07:50:16
Apie kokią "vienybę" čia kalbama? NATO šiandien, kaip niekad, vienose JAV teroristų rankose. Trumpas net to neslepia:"Amerika pirmoje eilėje" ir taškas. Kada jus praregėsite, niekingi subinlaižiai?...
IP | 07:38:39
Be Amerikos jie niekaip negali . Pasiklausius Paskovo kalba Ukrainoje yra iskasenu ivairiu , o atmintinas pasakitas buvo auksas , anglis ir t. toliau . Ukraina neturetu naudingu iskasenu , tai jos niekam ir nereiketu , o dabar draskosi is pasiutimo , iki kraujo.Kazin kur bus numatytas kitas Maidana...