2025 m. vasario 7 d.


Representatives for Lithuania in the European Parliament are apparently free and independent from any responsibility

Paskelbta: 2014-02-03 12:39 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Lithuanian citizens elect their representatives to the European Parliament. However, what do they do there, who are they responsible to, what are their responsibilities and, more importantly, can citizens address these representatives regarding one or another important state issue? Perhaps not everyone knows that the Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament are free and independent of any, even minimal responsibility. Spokesperson for the European information center Aneta Šerelytė-Stankevičienė said that there is no institution binding Members of the European Parliament to answer the questions of citizens. There is no procedure for establishing the order of filing complaints against them regarding unanswered questions by citizens and there is no obligation to reply to citizens' inquiries. The statute for Members of the European Parliament guarantees that members shall be free and independent.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


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