During his visit to the Parliament, the diplomat said that such an agreement between Russia and Poland has proved its worth. Therefore, Moscow is offering a broader Lithuanian border area, where residents of the Kaliningrad region could travel without a visa, but only with long-term special permits. Lithuania is purportedly in agreement with applying a simplified procedure to the whole area, but takes the position that visa-free entry to the country would only be applied in the area 30 to 50 kilometers from the border.
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IP 2a02:678:54f:8200:9458:889d:b269:cf13 | 12:06:34
Mažiukų po vieną neprima, kam gaišti laiką....
Baigti karą ukruose
IP | 11:53:21
Trumpo planas užbaigti karą Ukrainoje nutekėjo žiniasklaidai.
Išėjęs į pensiją generolas Keithas Kellogas, prezidento D. Trumpo pasiuntinys Ukrainos ir Rusijos karui, patvirtino, kad kitą savaitę dalyvaus Miuncheno saugumo konferencijoje, tačiau atmetė žinias, kad atskleis D. Trumpo taikos planą ka...
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rusai nezino kur detis, kai atsijungiam nuo ju elektros sistemos, tai varo tolaiu savo propaganda pries Nauseda...