A group of activists appealed to Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius requesting the removal the Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles from the ruling coalition for actions against the Lithuanian state. Specifically, the activists have claimed that the leader of the party Valdemar Tomasevski publicly lied about the state of minority rights in Lithuania. However, the prime minister says he intends to continue working with the party as successfully as before, and the Chair of the Lithuanian parliament is calling for respect for the opinion of the people who elected the party to the parliament.
Blinkevičiūtė, Skvernelis ir Žemaitaitis tvirtai įsipareigojo Ukrainos pergalei ir atstatymui
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IP | 02:41:10
Kad tik LRT nepaveluotu atsibusti - lapkricio 5 d. pasaulis dramatiskai pasikeite…...
IP 2a00:1eb8:c297:d922:710d:eb02:4975:ac43 | 00:02:22
Ir kaip niekinga būtų senam ir naujam valstybės Seimui (šiandien ir rytoj) nepaskelbti Vytauto Senojo Ožio Landsbergio Amžinuoju Lietuvos Valstybės Imperatoriumi, (tikrai "tik pagal nuopuolius, tfu, nuopeslus, tfu, nuopelnius, tfu ..." (niekaip nepataikau į ožį)....