In the document introduced by Social Democrats Benediktas Juodka and Gediminas Kirkilas it says that the responsibility for the crisis and divisions in society falls on the shoulders of the Ukrainian government, that the use of force and violence against peaceful protesters is not justified, and that European Union institutions should consider all possible measures to react to the events in Ukraine, including economic sanctions.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 17:02:19
norisi paklaust prokuroru ir LRT [email protected] seimo reiskia buvo riauses,o kas buvo Kijeve maidane?Taip skant,kieno Krymas?:)))Apgailetinos menkystos...
suskaičiuota bankomato
IP | 16:42:45
kad padengti propagandai panaikinamas lėšas iš USAID, būtina skirti 6% nuo bvp biudžeto pinigų....