2024 m. spalio 14 d.


The Lithuanian Parliament has begun the procedure of pressing charges against missing Member of Parliament Neringa Venckienė

Paskelbta: 2013-11-27 18:34 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
The member of Parliament Neringa Venckienė
The member of Parliament Neringa Venckienė

Members of the Lithuanian Parliament established a special commission that will both examine whether presented proposals to start a procedure of pressing charges against the member of Parliament Neringa Venckienė are reasonable and have to make a final conclusion regarding the grounds for pressing charges.

Sixty-three members of the parliament voted for this decision, six members were against it and fourteen members of the parliament abstained. There will be twelve members of the parliament working for the commission.

Social Democrat Vytautas Saulis was appointed the Chairperson of the commission, and a member of the Liberal Party Eugenijus Gentvilas its Deputy Chairperson.

The Lithuanian Parliament assigned the commission the task of carrying out the investigation and preparing their conclusions before the fifth of December of this year. 

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