The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats asked the court to clarify the legality of the Central Electoral Commission’s decision to allocate a subsidy for the budget of the Labor Party for the second half of 2013, arguing that the Labor Party was registered in 2013 on May 14th and did not participate in parliamentary and local elections, according to the results of which grants were distributed. According to the petitioners, under no legislation can it be objectively determined that after reorganization the newly established political party takes over the party’s previous voter support.
Naujausi komentarai
NATO vienybė?!
IP | 07:50:16
Apie kokią "vienybę" čia kalbama? NATO šiandien, kaip niekad, vienose JAV teroristų rankose. Trumpas net to neslepia:"Amerika pirmoje eilėje" ir taškas. Kada jus praregėsite, niekingi subinlaižiai?...
IP | 07:38:39
Be Amerikos jie niekaip negali . Pasiklausius Paskovo kalba Ukrainoje yra iskasenu ivairiu , o atmintinas pasakitas buvo auksas , anglis ir t. toliau . Ukraina neturetu naudingu iskasenu , tai jos niekam ir nereiketu , o dabar draskosi is pasiutimo , iki kraujo.Kazin kur bus numatytas kitas Maidana...