2025 m. vasario 3 d.


Democratic transformations in Kazakhstan that affected the return of wanted persons

Paskelbta: 2023-07-26 21:01 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Nurgazin Kuanysh, Mukhtar Ablyazov

An associate of prominent Kazakh oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov is returning to Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan's Prosecutor General's Office announced.  On this occasion we present an interview with Nurgazin Kuanysh, the uncle of the oligarch.

- First of all we would like to know your story, who are you and what is your status in Lithuania?

- I am Nurgazin Kuanysh Nurgazin Kuanysh,  the maternal uncle of Mukhtar Ablyazov.  About 12 years ago I was the nominal director of "BSC" LLP, in connection with which I signed the documents that served as the basis for issuing loans for 152 million tg (about 1 million euros at the exchange rate at the time), without going into the details of the transactions myself.  This company was de facto owned by my nephew.  Subsequently, a case was opened in which I was first a witness and then a suspect.  At the same time, my health deteriorated as a result of the law suit against me, leading to a heart attack and the need for a surgery in Europe.  I was therefore forced to leave the country and go to Europe.  Due to my worries and homesickness, in Europe I had multiple health problems: I developed Parkinson's disease, underwent more than 7 surgeries: heart, spine, lumbar, replacement of joints of the femoral neck on both sides, which were all documented in the relevant medical documents.

- You were on the most wanted list for 12 years, why did you decide to return to Kazakhstan?  What influenced your decision?

- I see positive processes taking place in Kazakhstan, democratic transformations, renewal of the state system and I believe in a fair trial and absence of political persecution and undertones against me.

- You are a relative of M. Ablyazov, his uncle, how will he react to your return?

- He is my nephew!  It is not right to discuss someone, especially a relative, so I cannot and do not want to belittle him or speak ill of him.  I'll just say that I have nothing to do with his political games, I have never been interested and have always stayed away.  I have hardly spoken to him in  the last five years.  Moreover, I am an adult - respect for my old age and my decisions is the basis of my country's mentality.  I make my own decisions and nobody can influence them.

- What status did you have in Lithuania and how do you feel about our country?

- I had the status of a political refugee.  I am very grateful to Lithuania and its citizens, I can consider this country my second home as I have lived here for about 9 years.  Lithuania has given me shelter and home.  Lithuanians are very sensitive and always ready to help.  It's a very beautiful country with wonderful nature.  However, any Lithuanian would understand me that the Motherland is the most important thing and I have always been a citizen of Kazakhstan and have never given up my citizenship, expecting positive changes which came!  In this regard, I have decided to renounce my political asylum status, obtain a return certificate and return to Kazakhstan.

- Given your advanced age and state of health are you not afraid of returning to your home country and being detained?

- As far as I know, about 17 people involved in the BTA Bank case have returned to Kazakhstan, of whom only one was detained.  For my part, I have  twice applied to the court, through my lawyer, for voluntary repatriation and for a change of non-custodial detention measure.  However, according to Kazakhstan's legislation, I was refused to change the preventive measure until I return to my home country.  I have faith in our judicial system, and given my advanced age and state of health, I don't think I will be in detention for long.

- What would you like to wish to your so-called "colleagues" who have refugee status and are abroad?

- Don't be afraid of anything, the Motherland is more important!  As a Kazakh proverb says: „Rather than being a king in another country, it is better to be a citizen in your homeland“.

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„Ekspertai.eu“ skelbiamą informaciją draudžiama visuomenės informavimo priemonėse atgaminti be raštiško asociacijos „Global Gaze Network“ sutikimo, kurį galima gauti adresu [email protected]

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